
Disclaimer & Compliance

2IP Independent Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2014/157363/07) (“2IP”), its directors, employees and agents shall not accept any liability or responsibility of any nature and however arising in respect of any claim, damage, loss or expense relating to, or arising out of, or in connection with the reliance by anyone on the contents of this website and any documents downloaded from it. Any opinions expresses should not be seen, inferred or interpreted as investment advice. Any recommendation or opinion should be weighed holistically, should not be considered in isolation or context, and professional investment advice should be sought prior to making any investments. If it is not clear what these factors entail, then the user of this information is free to secure independent financial, legal and other professional advice (including taxation advice) as to the nature and effect of all of the provisions of the investing in any of 2IP products or solutions and the consequences thereof. 2IP does not purport to act as advisor or in any fiduciary capacity, nor does it undertake to update, modify or amend the information on this website on a frequent basis. The contents of this website is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of 2IP. Actual investment performance will differ based on the initial fees, if applicable, and the actual investment date. Past performance is not indicative of future returns and investments which may go up or down. No guarantees are provided in relation to portfolio investment performance. 2IP’s schedule of fees and charges is available on request. 2IP’s conflict of interest management policy is available on request. Any benchmark data, obtained from public data sources, together with portfolio performances, are produced and run through Profile Data, FE Analytics and 2IP proprietary systems. 2IP Independent Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act No 37 of 2002. FSP No. 45529.  Our Conflict of Interest Management Policy is available HERE, PAIA Manual can be viewed HERE and our POPIA Policy is available HERE.

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2IP Independent Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd, FSP 45529 (“2IP”) and the representative involved in the research, portfolio management and investment decisions relating to their products, hereby certify that the views and investment decisions expressed, accurately reflect the respective investment persons’ or teams’ views, which have not been influenced by considerations of the company’s or client relationships. 2IP will always endeavour to avoid, but may invest and where deemed prudent and in the clients’ best interest, may actively seek to invest in related party products. Please note that in instances where a financial services provider of such product is a related party to 2IP, the FSP or related party may also charge fees for these products or services. 2IP, its directors, employees or related parties may have investments in some of the funds and/or instruments utilised or mentioned above. 2IP Independent Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd. is a management owned, independent and private financial services company.