Reasonable Expectations for Equity Investing

Reasonable Expectations for Equity Investing Hendrik Bessembinder, a professor at Arizona State University and the author of the groundbreaking paper “Do Stocks Outperform Treasury Bills?” provides key insights into the realities of stock market investing and lifetime wealth creation through the markets. Bessembinder evaluated the lifetime returns of every U.S. common stock traded on the…

Retirement Planning: Beyond Numbers, Embracing Life’s Choices

Retirement Planning: Beyond Numbers, Embracing Life’s Choices We view retirement planning through a financial lens trying to calculate that “magic number” that will sustain a comfortable lifestyle. Our minds gravitate towards numbers and financial preparedness. We focus on savings targets, investment returns, and withdrawal rates, calculating how much we need to retire comfortably. In this…

Beware the Headlines

Beware the Headlines In a recent article, Dimensional Fund Advisors highlighted a couple of common investing mistakes. One of these is falling in love with popular stocks based on their recent performance or media attention. Their research, however, shows that it is better to buy the Top 10 companies in the US before they reach…

Rising Geopolitical Risks and Overcoming the “Focusing Illusion”

Rising Geopolitical Risks and Overcoming the “Focusing Illusion” The escalating geopolitical tensions significantly influences our perceptions, often leading us to draw connections between complex global events and anticipated financial market shifts. In the process, we tend to lose sight of our long-term objectives, treating current events as pivotal moments without fully acknowledging their historical insignificance…

Money Troubles vs Money Worries

Money Troubles vs Money Worries If you want more control over your finances, you might be surprised to find that focussing your attention on your money worries can actually lead to more negativity, which often results in feeling even less in control. The first step is to distinguish between money troubles and money worries. Financial…